GMTK Game Jam 2020 - Out of Control 

W A S D - Move

H - build block

Left Click - Place block

G - cancel build

This is my first submission in a game jam ever!

It was a really fun experience to try to make a game in a couple days, though unfortunately the game isn't playable. Even though I didn't get to finish the game I still learned a whole lot making it and am excited for trying again next time. Bridges allowed me to try to make a whole lot of stuff that I hadn't tried before so I'm really happy for the experience. I wanted to make the character move on it's own through the course that you built, but unfortunately the movement system never came to fruition, thus it got replaced by wasd. I realize this ruins the theme for the game Out of Control and am disappointed that it doesn't fit. The GMTK Game Jam has taught me a lot and I can't wait to participate in future jams!